HoW tO MakE UrselF MinD CorrupteD

Mostly,If I go hangout with some RANDOM people,I will not really update my blog to tell. Since I long time didn't update. Let me write about the day I go out with those guys and TEHRORO.

Fuhhh, I slept at 4am the day before. :3 I planned to sleep until 12pm but someone woke me up at 10am+. Thx alot,if not I will be more late. They said wanna watch movie. I suggested to watch <Golden Couple> but they said...<Ah Boy to MEN>   Fuhhh...chester,nice choice-.- All of us mind corrupted bcuz of this-.-Especially Goh...-.-

Goh said he search for the CB leaf with IOS safari. But I google it...I really shock when I found the picture. Ew,,the leaf....what the f...zz...Come,let's share with you all :3

How discusting is this-.- Goh,go plkn find and see our MALAYSIA's forest gt anot ar! xD but dont open it! It looked ewwwwww!!!!

Seriously,I wonder why I met so much friends on that day. JEREMY,BUY SCHOOL SHOE BOJIO!!! XD
Fine-.- And....Ms. Mix :D She looked so coffee!!! hahahahahaha... #IYKWIM

Yeah yeah~~My presents!!!! Woah...I really received alot of present on that day :3 TEHRORO arr,,buy so much biscuit for me zomok :( My mouth will itchy leh :( And that "AHSHEN" [lol,,quite nice this name xD] bought me a bottle :D Yeahh~hope it's nt expensive gua? I simply choose geh xD And lastly,my TD,,my INFINITE ❤❤❤!!!

And yea,someone thx for the jacket-.- Im having stomachache that time,,keep "mao leng han"...-.- thx alot,or I will  suffer till DIE :0

Awww...alot of panda stuff.. My mom aso shock when saw all these :3 But very sad,I broke one of them-.- Not really broke actually,just abit damage. But really sam tong lor-.-

And yea,,,that is my first time to go out with THEM until so late..@__@ 9 hours. Woahhh...Steamboat-.- Seems like that is their first time to eat steamboat-.- And they dont eat alot like my class's boys did..They dont eat ice cream summore :3 Paulian all like tat d?

I thought the CB leaf topic will stop when eating-.- but GOH, our champion of the day..Keep talk bout it-.- Nobody really care Im underage,cuz tat GUY  same age with me aso talking bout it-.-

What name ar that guy same age with me? Jeffery? Ferry? Jelly? -.- Wan kao my TEHRORO? :3 Later her Soon come find u err :3 Hahahaha! no la-.- u wait,,I will buy u a comb of banana one day :) And never disturb when I talking to the CORN next time arr! :P

Backed home,still non stop with the CB leaf topic..Arghh...I will tell my friends all these when school reopen! Really! I will tell them-.-!!!

I Miss Them Already :')

Yeahhhhh~~~~ LOL,,,our Tehroro dont know chinese lah! Cant type chinese.-.- Blame that BIG POTATO! Tehroro leaving us liao leh Jingroro :( Miss her people let us bully ler...Sad sei :( Remember her KIM KIM? xD

Hahahaha~This video!! :) Ah teh tied up by us :3 We wanna rape her home!! Muahaha~ Ask her kopi to bring RM100.000,000 to save her! [If someone else wanna save her aso can d #iykwim xD] First time put video on my blog.. I think the quality abit weird gua? hehe=.=

This one awesome :3 My voice abit weird..Kay,, "aherrr... ah teh qi fu wo xD" This video quite sampat :/ but wait..where is the "zhe li you mau" xD wait harr...i see xia dulu :P

"bu yao mei tian kai facebook la!!!" zhe li you mao..this video rite? hahahahaha!!! TEH :3 So sampat-.- I miss ur long hair :3 Y u go cut so short?-.- aduiii,,, :(

I think this post must be the longest one in my blog :3 Even longer than the post about meixin, opps,sorry meixin :/ Hahahaha~ still gt more picture leh...remember ah teh punya fried tissue? That was her first time to steamboat.And it was with ussssss!!! Muahhahahahaha!

LOL.....Im tired-,- Jing write one about us la-.- Me vry tired..Not even eat dinner bcuz of this yet :3 Okay,,until here la.. :P 

내、PMR 生涯 ENDS =)

知不知道今天是什么日子丫~~~~?? :D
也不是我们葡萄晶的生日~~!!! :P

是我们今年全部FORM 3自由的日子!!!! :D


我的故事从Form 1说起、
还记得form 1的我根本没care过PMR是什么、
还记得考UPSR的时候、我连SPM和PMR都不会分。 :'/

记得form 1的我还蛮勤劳的说 o(╯□╰)o
有功课一定做、就算在家不做第二天也会去学校抄 xD
谢谢阿晶~~!! :D
在我Seni节闷的时候搬过来陪我谈天做SENI :)

对了~漏了她 xD
Moi 心 ~~~!!!
话说那是不是跟她很熟、所以她的那part我们留到form 2生涯说 xD

我真的无法忘怀FORM 1被"某人"用铅笔盒丢我脸的那一击,痛~~T-T

FORM 2生涯~唉form 1还算勤劳罢了=___=
可是成绩还是一patt 阿晶酱~ TT___TT
不用紧MOI心在那陪着我 :D


Form 2的我~除了数学、
上课都没有认真在听、尤其是哮喘老师的科学节 o(╯□╰)o

记得那时年尾的时候、有一位先生在我的身边停留了半年 :/
所以我干嘛要停留在你身边? :)
祝你幸福、 :) 你会追到她的是不是?
加油↖(^ω^)↗! :D

白痴姐妹花~~muahahahaha~~!!!! :D
阿晶~藕们form 2很少拍照=___=

看了~不要生气、如果生气、我可以删除 :)
呵呵、미안 해요 :(

就此搁笔、下次更新、多多指教 :)